4th Grade Radial Design
4th Graders in Ms. Herrin’s class took charge of their creativity last week during an arts integration lesson for math. Students worked through the entire Creative Process beginning with a brainstorm, making a plan and creating a product, after which they shared their creations with the class and reflected on their learning. Their only requirements? To create a radial design, much like a Mandala, that used specific angle measurements they had been studying in math. They could use any materials in class supplied by Ms. Herrin. By using the Creative Process, students were able to each take the same problem and create unique and creative examples of solutions for their math curriculum. Students were very excited to show off their work. WAY TO GO, 4th graders and Ms. Herrin – this is a true example of how engaging the arts can be for student learning. Turnaround Arts, Des Moines Public Schools