Thank You “I Have a Dream”!
Fourth graders participated in a special presentation today both as the presenters and the recipients! The “I Have a Dream Foundation – Dreamer Academy” has teamed up with Findley to provide resources and support for our students’ and their future. The idea is, DREAMING BIG! And dreaming big is exactly what our Findley students are good at. To kick off the presentation, three fourth graders dedicated one of our famous Findley tree projects they did in their art class to thank the Dreamer Academy for their commitment to our students’ future but the excitement didn’t stop there! The Dreamer Academy was then presented a check by the Community Foundation for $100,000 to help support the Dreamer Academy in Findley Elementary! This money will be used school-wide to help support the programming and needs of students so that they may reach their goals like attending college and getting a post-secondary education. Thank you Community Foundation and Dreamer Academy for the dedication you have to our students!
- Recieving the check! WOW! THANK YOU!
- Students with Miss J presenting the artwork; pictured: Barimona, Jason and Treyvon of Miss Smith’s 4th grade class.