Yesterday at noon, four students; Sammi Jo Meade (5th), Asha Le (5th), Brianna Shelton (5th), and Aayailah Huff (3rd) returned to Des Moines after a four day trip to our nation’s capitol with teacher Lisa Jorgensen and Principal Tara Owen. Students participated in the first-ever White House Talent Show, along with seven other schools being represented. The trip was made possible by the Turnaround:Arts program that Findley participates in through the President’s Committee of Arts and Humanities. Students were selected to go by their applications including illustrations of what Turnaround:Arts has done for them and the school and an essay they had to write expressing the same feeling.
It was an incredible four days for the students! Students mingled with Turnaround Artists Alfre Woodard, Sarah Jessica Parker, Chuck Close, John Lloyd Young, and Damian Woetzel for two full days that included rehearsing the finale number and watching other students prepare for their performances. Findley students were charged with the task of artistic decorations including the banner than hung for the duration of the show, stars that scattered across the stage and the welcome poster that every attendee saw as they entered the East Room of the White House. Our fours students enjoyed a visit to the Smithsonian Natural History Museum, lunch in the gardens of the White House, rocking out at the Hard Rock Cafe, a night tour of the Nation’s most famous memorials and a juicy burger at Ollie’s Trolley.
Beyond that, of course, the students were able to meet and speak with First Lady Michelle Obama. At the Talent Show, Michelle Obama greeted the audience with strong words on the importance of arts within educations – a vital part of our children’s’ education and not a passing phase. With quite the surprise entrance, the President Barack Obama, came late to the party and shared in his wife’s enthusiasm about the importance of the arts. Our students, amongst many others, were able to high five and shake the President’s hand as he left the room.
The big announcement of the night was that the Turnaround:Arts initiative is moving into Phase 2 with a new set of schools expanding from 8 schools to 35 schools (6 districts). And the best part of that news for our students? Turnaround:Arts has committed to working with five our our schools in the Northside Feeder Pattern including Oak Park, Catell, Madison Elementaries and Harding Middle School with Findley Elementary continuing as a Turnaround:Arts school and a model for the other schools to work with. Our Turnaround Artists that have already committed to DMPS for next year include actors Kal Penn and John Lloyd Young. Check out some of the photos from our trip!
- In the underground tunnel at the Detriot Airport
- On our bus to the Train Station
- On the train to our hotel!
- Enjoying a bite at Ollie’s Trolley
- Outside the East Gate
- Getting attacked by Jaguars at the Natural History Museum
- Rehearsal
- Rehearsing the Finale
- Ready to do this!
- Singing “Pure Imagination” from Willy Wonka with Tim McDonald, the writer of our Spring Play!
- Look at the fine work done by our students hanging!
- Having lunch in the White House Garden
- Watching the show!
- Ready to go!
- Principal Tara Owen meeting President Barack Obama
- Performances from the Talent Show
- The girls and Miss J pose with future Turnaround Artist of DMPS, Kal Penn
- Visiting the Marine Memorial
- Visiting the Capitol
- Visiting the Jefferson Memorial
- Visiting the Lincoln Memorial
- Visiting the MLK Memorial
- First Lady Michelle Obama champions the Arts in Education
- Performance at the Talent Show
- Natural History Museum
- Entering the White House for the First Time
- Ready for the big show!
- President Barack Obama addressing the crowd (surprise!!)
- The finale!
- Outside the White House
- Visiting the Lincoln Memorial
- WW2 Memorial
- Rocking Out at the Hard Rock
- Rehearsal
- Vietnam Memorial
- Exhausted at the Detroit Airport on our way home!