Findley Pole Garden

Wednesday was a first for Findley. Anyone that has a connection to Findley knows the arts are important but driving by outside, you’d never know. Introducing the Findley Pole Garden, created by over 400 students, staff and friends of Findley. Everyone collaborated on the ideas illustrated on the poles and every student spent time in Art with Mrs. Hesse painting the illustrations. Every pole represents the values and themes we find at Findley – volunteers, partnerships, grade levels, activities, the arts and more. We wanted to bring all the amazing things on the inside of Findley out to the public. A special thanks to the Iowa Arts Council and I Have A Dream Foundation of Des Moines for making the funding for this project possible. Another huge thanks to the DMPS facilities crew for helping with the installation of the poles. The biggest thanks to anyone who had even the smallest hand in making the poles a reality. Our students and staff are so proud of this addition that showcases not only our love of the arts but also the love of our school.

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